Initialize Setting Up After You Purchase a Bare Metal Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

After purchasing a bare metal server, the next critical step is to initialize and configure it properly to ensure optimal performance and security. Unlike cloud servers or virtual private servers (VPS), bare metal servers give you direct access to the hardware, providing complete control. However, with great power comes the responsibility of setting it up correctly. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to initialize and configure your new bare metal server.

1. Access Your Server for the First Time

Once your bare metal server is provisioned, you’ll receive credentials from your hosting provider, which typically include:
  • Server IP address and Port
  • Root/admin username
  • Temporary password

Steps to Access:

For Linux Servers: Use SSH to access your server from your terminal or command prompt.
ssh username@Server IP address -p Port

You will then be prompted to enter the password provided by your host.

For Windows Servers: Use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Open the Remote Desktop Connection app on your local computer or phone, enter the server’s IP, and log in using the provided credentials.

2. Update the Operating System (OS)

The first task after logging into your server is to update the operating system to ensure it’s running the latest security patches and software versions.

For Linux:

1. Update the package list and upgrade all installed packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y    # For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, etc.)
sudo yum update -y                        # For Red Hat-based systems (CentOS, Fedora)
2. Reboot the server if necessary

For Windows Server:

  • Log into your server via Remote Desktop.
  • Open Windows Update from the Start menu and install the latest updates.
  • Reboot the server after installing updates.

3. Set Up SSH Key Authentication (Linux)

For enhanced security, replace password-based login with SSH key authentication. This reduces the risk of brute-force attacks on your server.


1. Generate SSH Key Pair (on your local machine):
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
2. Copy the Public Key to your server
ssh-copy-id username@your_server_ip
3. Disable Password Authentication:
Open the SSH configuration file on the server:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find and change the line:
PasswordAuthentication no
Restart the SSH service:
sudo systemctl restart sshd

4. Install Essential Software

Depending on your server’s purpose, you’ll need to install essential software, such as web servers, databases, or programming environments. Below are some common installations:

Web Hosting Setup(Linux):

1. Install Apache or Nginx:
sudo apt install apache2 -y       # For Apache
sudo apt install nginx -y         # For Nginx
2. Install MySQL or PostgreSQL:
sudo apt install mysql-server -y  # For MySQL
sudo apt install postgresql -y    # For PostgreSQL

For Windows Server:

1. Install IIS (Internet Information Services) for web hosting through Server Manager.
2. Install SQL Server for database hosting.

5. Configure Firewalls and Security

Security is paramount when setting up a bare metal server. A firewall can help control which traffic is allowed to enter and exit your server.


1. Install UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall):
sudo apt install ufw -y
2. Allow Essential Services:
sudo ufw allow ssh                # Allow SSH
sudo ufw allow http               # Allow HTTP for web hosting
sudo ufw allow https              # Allow HTTPS
3. Enable the Firewall:
sudo ufw enable

Windows Server:

1. Open Windows Defender Firewall from the control panel.
2. Create rules to allow or block specific ports, such as RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), HTTP, and HTTPS.

6. Set Up Backups

Configuring backups is essential to protect your data. Most hosting providers offer backup solutions, but you can also set up your own backup process.


1. Install rsync to automate backup to a remote location:
sudo apt install rsync -y
2. Schedule backups using cron jobs:
crontab -e
Add a line to schedule daily backups:
0 2 * * * rsync -avz /your/data/ remote_user@backup_server:/backup_directory/

Windows Server:

1. Use Windows Server Backup:
  • Install it from the Server Manager.
  • Schedule regular backups through the Backup Schedule Wizard.

7. Monitor Server Performance

Monitoring the performance of your bare metal server helps you stay informed about its resource usage and identify potential issues before they impact operations.


1. Install htop for monitoring CPU, memory, and processes:
sudo apt install htop -y
2. Set up monitoring tools like Nagios or Prometheus to get detailed reports.

Windows Server:

  • Use Task Manager and Performance Monitor to track CPU, memory, and network usage.
  • Configure alerts for system resource thresholds using Event Viewer.

8. Set Up Domain and SSL

If you're using your bare metal server for web hosting, you need to point your domain to the server and install SSL certificates to secure your website.


1. Set Up a Domain: Update your DNS records to point the domain to your server’s IP address.
2. Install SSL (Let’s Encrypt):
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y
sudo certbot --nginx -d

Windows Server:

  • Use IIS to set up your domain.
  • Install SSL through Server Manager or using third-party SSL providers.

9. Regular Maintenance and Updates

Regularly maintaining your server helps ensure that it's running smoothly and securely.
  • Apply updates to the OS and installed software regularly.
  • Check server logs to identify potential issues.
  • Monitor disk space and CPU usage to prevent overloads.
  • Schedule downtime for planned maintenance to avoid disruption to your services.


Setting up a bare metal server requires careful planning and attention to detail. From securing the server with SSH keys and firewalls to installing essential software and configuring backups, these steps ensure your server is optimized for performance and security. By following these best practices, you can take full advantage of the power and flexibility a bare metal server offers.


Bare Metal Server, server setup, server security, server performance, SSH key authentication, server monitoring