How to Migrate to a Bare Metal Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

Migrating to a bare metal server offers significant performance, control, and security benefits, making it an excellent choice for businesses with demanding workloads. Whether you’re moving from a virtualized environment, cloud server, or another physical server, careful planning and execution are essential to ensure a smooth migration. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps required to successfully migrate your workloads to a bare metal server.

1. Assess Your Current Infrastructure

Before starting the migration, it's important to thoroughly assess your current infrastructure. This will help you understand the scope of the migration and determine the resources you’ll need.
Key Considerations:
  • Current Workloads: List the applications, databases, and services currently running on your existing servers.
  • Storage Requirements: Calculate your storage needs by identifying the size of databases, file systems, and other data.
  • Performance Needs: Identify CPU, memory, and network bandwidth usage to ensure the bare metal server is adequately sized.
  • Downtime Tolerance: Determine how much downtime your business can afford during the migration.

2. Choose the Right Bare Metal Server

Selecting the appropriate bare metal server is crucial for a successful migration. The server should match or exceed the hardware requirements of your current infrastructure.
Key Factors to Consider:
  • CPU: Choose a server with enough processing power for your applications, especially if you’re running resource-intensive tasks such as AI, machine learning, or databases.
  • RAM: Ensure you have enough memory for smooth operation, especially if your applications rely heavily on caching or real-time data processing.
  • Storage Type: Opt for SSD or NVMe storage for faster data access, or choose HDD if you require large storage capacities for archival data.
  • Network Bandwidth: High-speed network connectivity is critical, especially for data-intensive applications and cloud-based workloads.
  • Backup and Redundancy: Ensure the server supports RAID configurations or has a backup strategy to prevent data loss.

3. Plan Your Migration Strategy

Migration can be performed in several ways, depending on the type of workloads you’re transferring. Two common approaches are manual migration and automated migration.

Manual Migration:

This involves manually transferring files, databases, and applications to the new server. It gives you more control, but requires more effort. Next, I will mainly introduce you to manual migration, which includes the steps of manually assessing the infrastructure, selecting a server, backing up data, configuring a new server, and manually transferring files and databases.

Automated Migration:

Tools and services like rsync, CloudEndure, or other migration tools can automate the process by copying your entire environment to the bare metal server. Although these tools can automate some processes to a certain extent, they still require users to manually execute instructions.

4. Back Up Your Data

Before starting the migration, take a full backup of all data, including databases, configuration files, and applications. This ensures that, in case of an error during the migration, you can restore the system to its original state.

Backup Tools:

  • For Linux: Use tools like rsync, tar, or Bacula to back up files and databases.
  • For Windows: Utilize Windows Backup or third-party tools like Acronis or EaseUS.
  • Databases: Use built-in database tools like mysqldump for MySQL, or pg_dump for PostgreSQL to back up your databases.

5. Set Up the New Bare Metal Server

Once you have chosen your bare metal server and prepared for the migration, it’s time to configure the new server.
Key Steps for Configuration:
  • Operating System Installation: Install your preferred operating system (e.g., Linux, Windows) on the new server. Choose the version that is compatible with your applications.
  • Security Hardening: Set up firewalls, disable unnecessary ports, and configure SSH access. Follow best practices to secure the server.
  • Install Necessary Software: Install the required applications, web servers, databases, and other services needed to run your workloads.
  • Network Configuration: Ensure the new server is properly configured with the correct IP addresses, DNS settings, and routing rules to match your network requirements.

6. Migrate Your Data

With the new bare metal server configured, it’s time to transfer data from your old environment.

File and Data Transfer:

Rsync: Use rsync to copy files securely from one server to another:
rsync -avz /source/directory/ user@newserver:/destination/directory/
Database Migration: Use database dump tools like mysqldump or pg_dump to transfer databases. Example for MySQL:
mysqldump -u root -p database_name > backup.sql
scp backup.sql user@newserver:/path/to/
mysql -u root -p database_name < backup.sql

Virtual Machine Migration:

If you’re migrating from a virtual environment, export the virtual machines as images and deploy them on the bare metal server. Tools like KVM, VMware, or Hyper-V can assist with VM migration.

7. Test the New Environment

Once the data and applications are migrated, it's essential to thoroughly test the new environment to ensure everything is functioning as expected.

Testing Checklist:

  • Application Functionality: Check that all applications are running correctly.
  • Database Integrity: Verify that databases are intact and that no data corruption occurred during the transfer.
  • Performance Benchmarks: Run performance tests to ensure the bare metal server meets your workload’s performance needs.
  • Network Connectivity: Ensure that all services are accessible from the internet and within your internal network.

8. Switch DNS and Go Live

After testing the new environment and confirming it’s stable, update your DNS records to point to the new bare metal server’s IP address.

Steps to Update DNS:

  • Log in to your domain registrar or DNS provider.
  • Update the A record to the new server’s IP address.
  • Allow up to 24 hours for DNS propagation, although this typically occurs much faster.

9. Monitor the Server After Migration

After switching to the new server, closely monitor the server for any issues related to performance, security, or accessibility.

Monitoring Tools:

  • Prometheus: Use Prometheus to monitor system performance metrics such as CPU usage, memory consumption, and network traffic.
  • Nagios: Monitor service uptime and receive alerts for any failures.
  • Log Monitoring: Use log monitoring tools like ELK Stack or Graylog to track application logs and spot errors in real-time.

10. Decommission the Old Server

Once you’re confident the migration is complete and the new environment is running smoothly, it’s time to decommission the old server. Make sure to:
  • Transfer all necessary data.
  • Notify your team and stakeholders.
  • Wipe the data from the old server to prevent data leaks, especially if it was hosted in a shared or rented environment.


Migrating to a bare metal server may seem like a complex process, but by following these steps, you can ensure a seamless and successful migration. Proper planning, careful data transfer, and thorough testing are key to achieving optimal performance and security in your new environment. A well-executed migration will allow you to leverage the full potential of bare metal servers, providing superior control, customization, and power for your most demanding workloads.

bare metal server, server migration, data transfer, infrastructure upgrade, dedicated servers